Family Information and Services Hub

Life Begins at Home

Every family wants a home that is safe and secure, with enough space to live healthily and happily.

There are often straightforward and affordable interventions that families can put in place to adapt their current housing to create an environment where they can manage their child’s behaviour more effectively. This is often easier and more cost effective than moving house, however, unfortunately in some cases, looking for alternative housing may be the only option.


Adaptations in the home

For families where a child displays challenging behaviour, this may mean that certain adaptations need to be made to the home in order to help the child feel happier and be safe. This could include:

• Making furniture and fittings safe to help manage difficult behavioural situations better.

• Creating a space where the child feels secure and can relax. Redesigning a room to provide more open or closed space could help the child feel less anxious about being in particular rooms or with particular people.

• Transforming one area or a room to provide a sensory-focused space where lighting, acoustics, furniture and layout can provide a more relaxing atmosphere where the child can relax, which will hopefully reduce anxiety and improve behaviour.

• Provide separate bedrooms or additional communal space to allow siblings some personal space, and also to ensure their sleep is not disturbed

• Assistive technology that can be used to help keep the child safe, such as sensors that alert parents or carers that the child is having a seizure, is out of bed or is going to the front door.

Your money, Your home

There is an easy-to-read guide about your home. It's been written specially for people with learning difficulties.

The guide tells you all about renting a house or flat or owning a home. It goes though everything you have to think about, like paying the rent or mortgage, and paying your gas and electricity bills.


To view the guide, see the external link on the right of this page.


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Page last reviewed: 12/06/2023

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