Family Information and Services Hub
Local Offer

Dragonflies Early Years

Carescheme type:
  • Day nursery

Dragonflies Early Years is a private preschool in the grounds of Bursledon Infant & Junior Schools.  It offers early education and childcare for children from the age of 2 to when they start school.  Children can come half days or whole days and we are open Monday to Friday.

Who to contact

02380 407342 02380 407342

Where to go

Bursledon School Campus
Long Lane

SO31 8BZ

View SO31 8BZ on a map


Age group - 0 - 5: 5.4 per hour, 16.2 per session, 37.8 per day, 189 per week, 2268 per term


Age Ranges
0 to 5 years

Inclusion Information

Special Needs provision
Challenging behaviour,Developmental delay,English as additional language,Hearing difficulties,Medical difficulties,Physical difficulties,Soc. Interaction Difficulties,Speech and lang. difficulties,Visual difficulties
Can make special cultural provisions
Cultural and Spec. Diet. Needs,Relig. and Cultural Awareness

Childcare Information

Funded Places

Offers 3 & 4 year old funded places
Offers 2 year old funded places

Opening Times & Facilities

Visit & Outings
Car Parking
Messy Play Area
Outdoor Play

Ofsted Information

Ofsted URN
Ofsted Inspection Type
Inspection (Early Years Register)
Ofsted Inspection Date
Ofsted Inspection Outcome

Local Offer


Dragonflies Early Years has two trained SENCOS and one trained Behaviour Manager to support staff.

 The keyperson gains knowledge of individual children through initial home visit and settling in meetings with parents.  Close liaison with the settings SENCO enables all keypersons to access appropriate support through Heath Visitor, Portage, ISSO, Outreach Support, Speech & Language, Audiology, EMTAS and any other agencies as well as previous/shared settings.

 You can talk to your child’s keyperson or the setting’s SENCO who will offer support and can refer in many cases.  In all other aspects the setting’s SENCO will find out the best course of action.

Contact Name
Lisa Quinn
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

The setting has two trained SENCOS and one trained Behaviour Manager to support staff.

 The keyperson gains knowledge of individual children through initial home visit and settling in meetings with parents.  Close liaison with the settings SENCO enables all keypersons to access appropriate support through Heath Visitor, Portage, ISSO, Outreach Support, Speech & Language, Audiology, EMTAS and any other agencies as well as previous/shared settings.

You can talk to your child’s keyperson or the setting’s SENCO who will offer support and can refer in many cases.  In all other aspects the setting’s SENCO will find out the best course of action

How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person?

In the first instance your child’s keyperson will offer support and liaise direct with the setting’s SENCO who will help plan and oversee that particular aspect of your child’s need. 

The SENCO keep their knowledge up to date by attending regular support meetings provided by Hampshire Early Years. 

The keyperson and SENCO will give as much time as is needed to support the needs of your child.

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be drawn up and agreed with the parent . 

The setting has its own SEN register.  The SENCO regularly evaluates each child’s progress and sets new targets or chase appointments.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young person's needs?

The setting will be inclusive to each child including the use of IEPs, language group, 1:1 support, resources, adapting its physical environment as well as its visual environment. 

Keypersons will also use observation, assessment and planning as well as learning journals to help plan next steps to progress your child’s development.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?

The setting has an open door policy and keypersons regularly share information with you about your child’s progress both informally and at planned meetings.  The best method of communication (via communication book, email, phone call) will be agreed between the SENCO and parent

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall well being?

The setting has policies outlining its procedures to follow in the case of behaviour management, medical conditions (including administering medicines) and SEN. 

A behaviour plan will be put in place where appropriate and children will not be excluded but the behaviour manager will support staff and parents to work with the child  and continue the smooth running of the setting.  Where a child has medical needs, an Individual Health Care Plan will be put in place (with agreement and signed by parent) and all staff will be aware of this

What specialist services and expertise are avaliable at or accessed by the setting/school/college?

Speech & Language/Portage/ISSO/Outreach Workers/Health Visitor/GP/Play therapist/ Physiotherapists/Clinical Psychologist/Educational physiologists/Education Welfare Officer/Parent support

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had? Are any being trained currently?

2 x SENCO trained        1 x Thomas trained    1 x Behaviour Management trained

2 x Safeguarding trained      6 x first aid trained    2 x makaton trained


All staff have received basic Makaton training and this is updated inhouse regularly

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

Parents sign a consent form when their child first starts with us.  This covers woodland walks within the school grounds and permission for them to be taken off the premises.  Our ratio for walks is normally 1:2 but for a child with SEND it would be 1:1 (preferably the keyperson).  Any supporting resources will accompany the child on the walk ie. Visual timetable, PECS book, lifesaving medication.  The parent will be informed before the planned walk

How accessible is the setting/school/college enviroment?

Dragonflies Early Years is fully wheelchair accessible.  Wide doors and a spacious layout.  Accessible toilet facilities are available.  Visual timetables and some makaton symbols are prominent around the room to support the child.

Print in the environment is/can be displayed in multi languages appropriate to the children in the setting.  We work with parents of multi lingual children to ensure we are providing the right words.

Both indoor and outdoors – resources/equipment are/can be made accessible at age appropriate height making it suitable for wheelchair users.

Dragonflies Early Years has a two tiered garden of which the top tier is directly wheelchair accessible from the building.  The bottom tier is accessible from the side gate

How will the setting/school/college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting/school/college or the next stage of education and life?

Dragonflies Early Years holds informal initial show around visits for prospective parents to have a look around and meet the staff.  A stay and play session is offered alongside our open door policy.  We then arrange a home visit which two staff attend, one being the child’s keyperson.  This allows time to build up a relationship with the child and parents and gives an ideal opportunity to share any information regarding the child’s SEND/additional needs.


During this home visit any dietary needs are discussed including allergies, diseases, cultural background, vegetarian etc.  Dragonflies feel it is important to work closely with parents to help us understand their child’s needs and what we need to do to support them.  Any up to date reports from other relevant professionals ie. GP should be agreed to be shared with us.  From this information we can then provide an Individual Action/HealthCare Plan which informs all staff/volunteers working with the child.  Any medication in the case of an emergency is administered by a qualified First Aider.


We have close ties with our feeder school and during a child’s time here we will visit on various occasions ie. Christmas play, visits to new classrooms, sharing the school playing field.

During transitions to school Dragonflies staff and teachers from all the local schools work together including visiting for stories and meeting the children as well as Dragonflies staff visiting the school.   This helps builds familiarity and aid the transition process even for children who may not be attending the feeder school.   We have a transition box which consists of uniforms for local schools, lunch boxes, book bags to help children gain confidence with new environments and routines.  We request schools share with us a book with photos of teachers and classrooms to help the child become familiar with the new setting

How are the setting's/school's/college's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

Special Educational Needs (SEN) funding is allocated to your child where appropriate.  A meeting is held with you and the keyperson to discuss how the funding should be spent for the benefit of your child.  The majority of the time in the early stages of the funding it would usually support your child with one to one time with their keyperson through the week

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

Your child’s keyperson will make observations and work closely with the SENCO to decide how much additional support your child will need.  Every effort is made to ensure your child receives the right support and no child is excluded through lack of effort.   An Individual Education Plan is drawn up in consultation with the keyperson/SENCO/parent/carer to ensure your child is progressing and reviewed with yourself on a regular basis

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

Parents and the keyperson work together on their child’s learning journey.  Parent meetings are held two/three times a year and more often if required. 

Carescheme type:
  • Day nursery


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Last Updated: 21 February 2024

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