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Local Offer

Woodcroft Pre-School and Wrap Around Care EY339593

Offering services to:
  • Children 0-5
Supporting people with:
  • Activities for children and young people
Carescheme type:
  • Day nursery

Who to contact

Contact Name
Tracie Voysey
02392 595665 02392 595665
Scan to visit this website

Where to go

Woodcroft Primary School
37, Woodcroft Lane


View PO8 9QD on a map


Age Ranges
5 to 8 years
0 to 5 years

Childcare Information

Funded Places

Offers 3 & 4 year old funded places
Offers 2 year old funded places

Ofsted Information

Ofsted URN
Ofsted Inspection Type
Inspection (Early Years Register)
Ofsted Inspection Date
Ofsted Inspection Outcome

Local Offer

How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

Sometimes we know that children need extra help on the initial visit with the parent and child, this is the case when parents already notice special educational needs. We encourage parents to come and speak to us about this and raise any concerns. Once the child has begun with us we will then use observations, PLOD's (possible lines of development) development records, and speech and language trackers to assess and get to know the child. All of these methods of assessment will highlight any concerns or delays in the child's development. If any areas of development are delayed we will then contact the parent/carer of the child.

How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person?

Every child is assigned a key carer who will be their special person. Key carers will plan individual plans for each child on a day to day basis and they will be tailored to each child's needs. The SENCO will oversee all plans. In some cases, children with special educational needs and disabilities flourish when schedules are used, this happens as they begin to make more sense of the world. Scheduling is a selection of signs, symbols or objects used to direct the child through play. At Woodcroft Pre- School we use schedules for individual children and we specify to their needs. We also use Makaton signing, this is used throughout the whole setting for every child. Makaton is used alongside speech to enhance and encourage language development. We offer reviews every half term for parents to attend, we use this time to check progress and find out anything that the parent may be concerned or worried about. Any concerns will be dealt with and will be shared with the Manager and the setting's SENCO. We have budgets and funding money that allows us to buy equipment for children with special educational needs and disabilities. This is often limited and is decided by the area INCO and Hampshire County Council SENCO department (short break funding). The Short Break funding team meet once a fortnight to decide whether each individual child has been successful with funding.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young person's needs?

Each key carer creates an individual plan for each child using the EYFS. This is a curriculum that is used from Birth-5 years. Key carers will use the EYFS to design activities to cover different learning intentions. Every child at Woodcroft Pre-School will have a PLOD (possible lines of development) this contains learning intentions that the child will aim to complete. When learning intentions are completed, they will be highlighted off, this way we are able to see if any areas may need more work. We then form "next steps" from the PLOD. The next steps contain different learning intentions that haven't yet been completed. There will be one learning intention from each of the 7 areas in the PLOD. Key carers will then plan individual activities for each child to cover each learning intention. Key carers or any member of staff that have seen the learning intention be completed will then write out an observation that states what happened and how it covers the learning intention. We also take pictures as evidence. All observations and pictures will be put into the child's learning journal. If a child demonstrates difficult behaviour then we will observe and record this on an ABCC Chart. We will then meet with parents to discuss behaviour plans. We incorporate every child's interests into our fortnightly planning.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?

We do parent reviews for all children every term, during this time parents are able to see how their child is progressing. Parents are able to look at the child's Learning Journal and will be able to see everything that their child has achieved. Parents are able to come in at any time to see their child's learning journal or progress. We use a system called Prams at Woodcroft-Pre School. Prams will contain every individual child's PLOD information, and will highlight any areas for concern. If we were concerned about a child's progress, the parent would be informed straight away and we will discuss things to work on. We have a homelink book which is changed every two weeks. This will include Makaton signs that we are learning, and it will give parents ideas of things that they can do at home with their children to further their learning. The homelink book also includes our planning for the two weeks so that parents are aware of what their child will be doing. Every child's next steps will be photocopied and sent home to parents so that they are able to work on the same things that we are.

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall well being?

We have many different agencies that are able to come in to the setting as support, these include; health visitors, nurse support, portage, specialist nurse, special advisory teacher, visual/hearing impairment agencies, EpiPen and diabetes training and many more. All staff are first aid trained and they all hold a clear DBS check. Key carers will complete their own key children's daily care, this will include nappy changing. We also use Visual Timelines. We make these individual to each child and they are used so that the child always knows what's going to happen 'now' and what's going to happen next. We also use these timelines for children that are unsettled during their first days at pre-school, this is so they are aware of what they are going to do and when they are going home. Visual timelines take away any anxiety that the child may have by letting them know what is going to happen.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting/school/college?

We have many outside agencies that are able to come into the setting as support. These include, health visitors, speech and language therapist assistants, educational psychologist, portage, riverside outreach and more. These agencies are able to meet parents to give support and information. They also give information to staff, staff are then able to cascade this information back to parents. With your permission we can arrange for any of these agencies to come in to see your child in the setting.

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had? Are any being trained currently?

All staff at Woodcroft Pre-school attend regular termly training at Riverside Special School. Training at riverside includes social stories, role play, timeline training, behaviour training, and many more. Any training that we receive, staff will they bring back to the setting and share this with parents/carers that are interested. We then use all this training in day to day practice. We also attend regular Makaton training and Makaton refreshers. We also offer Makaton training for parents to attend. Any training that we receive, we try to do regular training sessions for parents. This is so that parents are able to work on the same things as we are with the child. All staff are first aid trained, meaning that any member of staff can administer first aid if and when needed. All staff have recently received Theraplay training. Theraplay is an activity that helps with attachment and bonding.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

At Woodcroft Pre-school we believe that all children and parents should be included. We ask parents to attend trips so that they are able to socialise and interact with other parents/carers and staff members. We provide coaches for all parents for a small fee or parents can bring their own car if they wish. We do also have limited spaces for members of staff to take your child on the trip. On trips we only use a 1:1 ratio, which means that there will only ever be 1 child to 1 adult. We also have visitors that come into the pre-school, this includes police and firefighters. Staff will take children to look at the police car or fire engine. The police/firefighters will then come in to talk to the children. All of our trips are local, this is so that we don't have to travel too far, this reduces the stress of the children. We also have the library bus come to the pre-school. Children are taken out in small groups to go to the library bus and choose books for the following fortnight. The library ladies also read to the children in small groups of six.

How accessible is the setting/school/college environment?

We are a free flow setting, which means that everything is available to access at any time of day. This includes the garden. We have wheelchair access to our building and disabled parking is offered there is only one space but we can stagger the use of this. Our outdoor area is open all the time apart from lunch time. All children are able to access, paint, playdough, craft, puzzles, mark making, sensory table, music, small world, role play, construction, books, and garden at any point during the day other than lunchtime. Our garden doors close at 12pm and re-open at 12.30pm. Most of the areas that we have indoors, we also have outdoors. This includes, mark making, we have big chalks for children to use on the floor outside. We also have a construction corner in the garden, which has traffic cones, construction site signs, sand, soil, visi vests and much more. We also have a book corner, which we have made into a 'den' so that children can look at books in a shaded area. We have sand and water out in the gardens at all times. We have wetsuits that the children wear when it's raining, this is so that the children are still able to play outside in the rain. In the garden, we have a mud kitchen, this is a very messy area which is good for children's immune systems, we have a waterbutt so that the children are able to freely use water with mud and utensils, the mud kitchen includes pots, pans, bowls, buckets, and wooden and metal utensils. At Woodcroft Pre-school, we also have a summer house. We use this space for small group activities. We have many different activities in the summer house, including treasury baskets to build up fingertips. We also have a language box, which promotes speech and language as well as a letters and sounds box. All children will access the summer house at least once a day in small groups of six. All of our resources are at a low level, this is so that children are able to freely access them. Our building is very secure, our main entrance has a 'push to exit' button, which means that children aren't able to open to door from the inside or outside. We also have a policy that states that parents aren't able to let themselves out. A member of staff will let parents out ensuring that no children are able to leave the building. Parents are able to walk through the woods at the back of the school to get to the pre-school. The entrance to the school is a gate, parents will push the button on the gate for us to let them in. We then have a television screen in the nursery for all staff to be able to see who is at the gate. Staff members will only ever let someone in that they know. If staff are unsure of the person, they will then ask other members of staff or pick up the telecom to check who the person is. Our garden gates are padlocked, and is not used as a fire exit. We have one fire exit, which has double opening doors, this is so that pushchairs, cots and wheelchairs can fit through. Our fire exits are always kept clear.

How will the setting/school/college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting/school/college or the next stage of education and life?

We have strong links with all the schools in the area. We arrange meetings with Reception class teachers, so that we can report any information to them in order for them to know your child. Every child at Woodcroft Pre-School has a routine sheet, this included everything that happens during the day with the child. With parental permission, we would then share these with a new teacher, or new setting. This is so that the teacher/setting will be able to get to know the child before they begin. When a new child is starting with us, we offer 'stay and play' sessions. These last an hour long and are free. Stay and play sessions enable parents and their child to spend time with their key carer. It's also a good way for key carers to get to know the child and find out what they like to do and play with. Stay and play sessions allow the child to be less anxious, as by the time they start they will already know where everything is and they will already know their key carer. These sessions also give parents a chance to ask any questions that they may have. We also use social story books, these inform the child about upcoming events. Once your child has a place at your chosen infant or primary school we liaise with the school this usually happens in the last few weeks of the summer term. We are able in invite them into the nursery to see your child in play and meet with the keycarer. We are available to meet with the school so we can share with your consent information about your child, we would invite you to this meeting as well so you can share information too.

How are the setting's/school's/college's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

We are able to apply for SEN funding which allows us to buy anything that your child may need. This can include, staffing, one to one support and resources. We look at each child's individual needs, and plan activities that include what each child likes. We use communication and print, this is a computer programme that allows us to print signs and symbols to use for schedules and portable timelines. All resources are at a low level so that they are all accessible.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator works closely with families and staff to ensure that all children are receiving the support that they need. From this we can then create a behaviour plan or care plan if needed. Parents/carers will be involved in any decisions that are made. If a child has come from another setting, we are able to contact the setting with the parents’ permission to find out information on what support the child has previously received.

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

Parents/carers are able to come on board as a trustee for the setting. Trustees are involved in any changes made to the pre-school. Trustees and parents are then invited to our annual AGM. We have many social events throughout the year within the pre-school, for example Easter disco, Halloween disco, Christmas parties that we invite all of our parents too, this gives parents a chance to interact with other parents. We invite parents to a termly consultation about their child's progress. During the parent and child consultation, parents/carers are able to fill in a survey and a comment sheet, this enables parents and carers to put forward any ideas that they may have and it also gives parents a chance to let us know what we do that they like. All suggestions will then be considered. Our open door policy, means that parents can come in at any time.

Offering services to:
  • Children 0-5
Supporting people with:
  • Activities for children and young people
Carescheme type:
  • Day nursery


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Last Updated: 19 December 2023

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